
E-coating - high-tech coating to protect metals

E-coating is the high-tech coating to protect metals. The coated objects are immersed in the solution of resin, pigment, solvent. And the electrical current is passed through during short time to deposit paint on a surface. The coated objects can then be removed from the bath and the coating is normally cured by baking in an oven to make it hard and durable.

There are many names of E-coating such as: E-coat, Electrocoating, Electrophoretic coating, Electrophoretic Painting ect.

E-coating technologies are categorized according to their primary use. Generally they are either used as a primer or as a topcoat.

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E-coating applications (Picture:

The benefits of E-coating:

- Environmentally friendly:  the electrocoat process produces is RoHS and little or no heavy metal, HAPS (Hazardous Air pollutants), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)

- Less material and energy usage than both liquid spray and powder coating.

- Easily to applied for Auto Production andhigh production capability.

- Uniform even coat and complete cover including the parts with sharp corners, niches and positions within

- Makes products last longer. The ability to provide very good inter-coat adhesion with most topcoats allows this process to be used as a primer for almost all ferrous applications.

- Superior corrosion and humidity resistance withlarge and small part coatings capability.

- Used for metal surface such as Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Antimony,… to avoid the rust

- The amount of paint applied to a product can be precisely controlled, yielding minimal waste.

- High yield, degree more 95% the material waste during working.

- Applied for Handbags Accessories, Furniture, Family Tools, Jewels, Cars,…


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